Results for "C"

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  Title Copies
Chocolate for a Woman's Courage 
Year: 2002 
Call No: 305 
Coos Bay - the Pioneer Period 1851-1890 
Year: 1973 
Call No: 979.5 
Chicken Soup for the Golden Soul 
Year: 2000 
Call No: 158 
Cat Who Came for Christmas 
Year: 1987 
Coming Fury 
Year: 1961 
Call No: 973.9 
Chicken Soup for the Woman's Soul 
Year: 1996 
Call No: 158 
Catch As Cat Can 
Year: 2002 
Cat's Eyewitness 
Year: 2005 
Claws and Effect 
Year: 2001 
Concert Companion, The 
Year: 1947 
Call No: 780